Monday 21 November 2011

Where it all began with fong

At the very beginning a close friend of mine called fong had a old snapped board that we decided to try to do something with, he came over to my place and he drew up some simple curves, brought his jigsaw over and attacked the plank,  it came out okay and I was left to strip the glass and see what I could do with her,  also we laid down my 6.6 quad on a bed sheet, copied the outline and came up with my very first template, crude, but effective.  I dont have that template anymore but it was a good day, lots of fun, and the addiction began from here.  What should be noticed in these pics is the rabbitos cap fong is wearing, if ever there was a rabbitos supporter it is him.  I lost my passion for league when the bears got kicked out of the comp a long time ago, but I know have a soft spot for the rabbits.

So what did become of that board of fongs, I think I ended up cutting channels all over it, thanks to that blank I learnt how to cut in a straight channel, use a tool to get a nice cut and worked out the best way to get a nice even channel.  Dont need to much more pratice on cutting channels, I can tweak my method a bit more and will pratice again soon, ive got plenty of snapped boards under the house to pratice on, its the glassing that will be the trick to learn.  But I cant wait to do a 8 channel single, one day, one day soon, watch this space.

Thanks for the day fong, and fot the kick off on a life time hobby

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