Sunday, 20 November 2011

Brians grandsons board

I made a egg for a 10 year old kid.  Its for the boss's grandson.  I really enjoyed this process and learning curve, the board is not perfect, but pretty bloody good.  The laminating turn out well and only had to cut out two air bubbles.

What I learnt on this board was you need to be more aggressive with the glass when tucking under the rails, you really need to stretch it, no mucking about with it, rather stretch the glass till you can see the resin coming up through the glass.   This will leave no hope of air bubbles and give a nice tight glass job, cant wait to do my next one and apply what I learnt.

Also when I glassed on the fin I took to many precautions in trying to keep the board covered and neat, next time I will cover half the board in plastic and do my set up there rather than the whole board with a circle cut around the fin to work on.

With the rovings when you apply them, you need to continually push them down to the base of the fin and not let them rise up when you lay glass over the top of them, this was much better than my first job, I swore I would never glass on another fin after this one, but now since its been a while I wouldnt mind applying what I have learnt so I can it do better.

Im also keen to try to do a fin box under the glass and this is the next step for me I believe, I really want to aim for a 8 channel single fin one day, but I think that is at least 20 boards away yet.

Enjoy the photos of my first customers board.

Let me tell me you a little bit about this board I made, it has soft rails all the way around the board, very forgiving and good for a beginner.  The tail is nice and fat and the plan shape which was designed by Huei is absolutely beautiful.  The rocker on the board has a nice even flow.  Its a single fin, why a single fin one might say, because i reckon that is the best sort of board to learn on, easy to paddle and catch waves on and will help the guy riding it seek the nicest line, thereby helping him understand waves a bit better..  Then he will need to make a step up, but not yet, not yet.

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