Thursday, 10 November 2011

2nd attempted shape

this was my 2nd attempted shape, I cut this down from the first shaped 6'6, you will notice in the background of one of these shots I have actually used a template to do this.  My wife tracy wasnt very happy with me because I used the masonite of the back of one of the cupboards, lol.  I thought it was funny at the time, reminder to self, never use the masonite of the back of a cupboard for a templete ever agian...........

When you look carefully at the outline (photo one) after I cut it out you will notice its a bit wonky up near the nose.  This was caused by the use of a jigsaw in cutting out the outline and not keeping the blade straight, plus also not knowing how to sand it level around the outline, this skill was learnt at a later stage.  Agian, if you plan to start out making a board, dont use a jigsaw to cut out the outline, use a handsaw.

After I sanded down the board to a level I attempted to do the rails, this gave me nightmares for a few weeks and I didnt go near the board for a while, just looked at it and tried to visualize what I needed to do to make it happen.  I consultated with huei heaps on this, had him tell me time and time agian how to do it.  It got to the stage where I felt like I was a nusiance to him, the guy is a saint and has patience like you wouldnt believe.  I finally found the courage and cut in my rail as you can see from the first cut in piture 6.

Another thing you might notice from the pitures.  I took over the carport, much to my wifes dismay and disgust, but she got use to it.  Im pretty lucky to have such a understanding wife.

I tried to take a rocker shot for you but not a good shot.  I got better at rocker shots later

This is what I learnt from this attempt.  1.  did I say never to use a jig saw unless your a master at the thing.                                                   2.  I did not round of the tail very well, I need pratice and sanding the stringer a lot better to give it that round smooth feel at the tail.
                                                            3.  How bloody difficult is it to adjust the foil at the nose and get rid of some of the thickness in the foam in areas it just isnt needed, something I needed to work out how to do, spent a hell of a lot of time pondering this and still do to this day.  I must get a better tool for this.  I must.
                                                            4.  When sanding, long even strokes, count your strokes and repeat on each side so you get a blanced board, you can get it mm perfect if you just take your time, the advantage backyarders have if no pressure to stick to a time limit, I dont need to pump out boards.                                                  5.  I needed more pratice at planner techniques and I talk to huei regulary about this and still do.

Enough for now, will post some more tommorow night

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