Friday, 11 November 2011


After painting and covering paint in clear laquer it was time to glass the board, I used laminating resin mixed with uv powder,  it took me a lot of time to pysch myself up to do this and I found myself putting it off for a while and doing side projects, but I will get into that later

Lessons I can pass on is to make sure you mix in the powder well with your resin, think about 10 minutes worth of mixing, because if you dont it doesnt kick off in the sun like it should and it makes the job just that much harder to do, so for goodness sake please mix your powder in bloody well, on my first one I didnt and paid the price.

I free laped the foam, had a friend come up from sydney, Roy Putansuu and he has done it before, so he sat on the sidelines, helped me in parts and generally guided me for my first time, it was a great help, plus I watched heaps of you tube stuff and talked to my teacher a lot about it, so I didnt go into this just blind.  Do your research people and you will be fine.

Enjoy the photos

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