Saturday, 19 November 2011

Saturdays work on gareths board

Today I worked on the deckline of gareths board, from the mid point to the nose is not up to what I want it to be yet.  Im trying to flow from the bottom rocker to the deckline, remove unwanted foam around the nose area and mid point of board, get a nice deckline that is smooth and pleasing to the eye.

Ive got enough volume to do a slight single to double gareth, which is what i was aiming for.  I checked it out again 5 minutes ago and am a bit more happy with it, but its not perfect.  I could have got it cut out on a machine but stuff that, handshaping is where I am at and its a skill I want to learn. 

To all those out there, please dont take for granted your surfboard shaper, it is a very hard thing and they do it so easy and skillfully, they are worth every penny and worthy of our respect.

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