Friday, 11 November 2011

The Hot Coat

I did the filler coat in my garden shed, taped off the rails as you can see so the drips just hit the floor, the blank in the background with channels cut into it was a side project that im going to discuss a little bit later in the blog.  I let this settle a while to let the wax raise to the top, I use normal resin, mix with some cat and wax/styrene.  I love doing the filler coat, the next job was to sand it and this was all done by hand.  I have not completed this fully yet as I now have a sander polisher so will give her another filler coat then sand, then wet and dry then its fully completed, this board has now been sitting in my boys room for 6 months waiting for me to give her the finished touches

1 comment:

  1. took my boy down to the lake for a paddle, damn, the size was good enough when I orignally had it done and know he has already outgrown it. He still loves it though and wants to learn to paddle it, will make him another board, but this one for him to grow into, a nice egg again, good to learn on.
