Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Another Setback

Over Christmas I have damaged my back, ive been laid up since the 25th and have not been able to shape at all.  The frustrating part of this is all I have to do for gareths board now is to screen the rails, final sand, spray paint white, then all done.  After that its glassing time, I hope one day soon to get back to it, sorry gareth.

1 comment:

  1. well, today I went to the hospital to get a pain killer shot for my back as it was getting just a bit to much. An hour after my back and leg felt good, so went down to the bay and screen gareths rails into the board, nice and smooth mate, low rails on her so should hold beautiful on steep quality waves where your fish cant handle. Tommorow if I get some good time with back will final sand then cover with plastic till I get to spray her all white.
